Professional Skills To Add To Resume. Add your work-related skills in the professional experience section. There are two basic categories or types of skills that a job seeker should include in his resume: the hard skills and the soft skills.
When reviewing your credentials, hiring managers will hold a particular interest in the skills you possess. Here is a professional skills list which comprises some of the hard skills and soft skills. These are the skills you should be adding to your CV.
Your resume can include more than paid employment, so the best way to include your skills is to list your academic, school, and extracurricular activities on your resume.
As Intern Match notes, one of the best ways to help your résumé shine is to start a blog.
Skills to Put on a Resume: Soft Skills. You have to keep your resume length short and sweet, but still include enough quality information to make an impression. Valuable interpersonal skills to list on your resume.