I Have No References. In my case having strong references could really make a difference since I don't have any accomplishments to tout or a stellar work record and personally can't think of any reason anyone. What if I Have No References for a Job That Asks for Two?.
Your LinkedIn profile's complete and you've cleaned up your social media accounts. I have used friends as references. If that's the case, then the ban on serving as references probably won't apply.
For a work with no date, use "n.d." in both the reference list.
The best professional referees you can supply in this instance are clients that you've had a long-standing and good service history with.
So your source of income and payment history on your obligations form refe. …Once you have your wish list. With the exception of your immediate boss, never list a reference until you have gained that person's permission to do so. This page includes guidelines on creating references for a work with no author.